Sunday, October 21, 2007

Shh! Osteens Got "The Secret"

"The Secret in three sentences: Your thoughts are magnetic. Think positive thoughts, and you'll attract wealth, health, and love. Think negative thoughts, and you'll attract poverty, illness, and loneliness. (Guess I shouldn't have grumbled to myself about the book.)

As The Secret explains, "You are like a human transmission tower, transmitting a frequency with your thoughts." What's more, it continues, the universe follows the Law of Attraction, and "like attracts like, so when you think a thought, you are also attracting like thoughts to you." Ergo, to be happy, just think happy thoughts. The book's experts suggest counting your blessings and "wrapping every thought in love" in order to connect with the "strongest positive frequency in the Universe." If you're feeling blue, you're supposed to reverse the negativity with "secret shifters," such as hold­ing a baby, playing with a pet, listening to a joyful song, or watching a funny movie.
The power of love? The benefit of positive thinking? All this hype over a message about as enlightening as a Hallmark greeting card? I was underwhelmed. But I kept going.

The book offers readers a plan for "manifesting" — making dreams a reality. "The first step is to…let the Universe know what you want.... Step two is...[to] claim the things you want by feeling and believing they are [already] yours [i.e., visualize your wish coming true]. When you do that, the law of attraction will powerfully move all circumstances, people, and events for you to receive," which is the third step. Basically, you just wait for your wishes to be granted. That's right: like magic. "

Joel Osteen Qoutes:

"Do all you can to make your dreams come true."

"God wants us to prosper financially, to have plenty of money, to fulfill the destiny He has laid out for us."

"If we say it long enough eventually we're going to reap a harvest. We're going to get exactly what we're saying. "

Now,what's the difference?

Friday, October 19, 2007

"When the church SEPARATES the "WHO IS TO COME" away from the "Who IS, and the Who WAS", it smacks of APOSTASY to outright attempt to DIVIDE the Word of God and the PERSON of Jesus Christ. Why have they done this? God only knows...I don't. Are they even aware of what they have done? This has Satan's fingerprints all over it. If this is the Falling Away that Paul speaks of, then we are INDEED in the final hours. What do you think?"

Excellent observation! I never saw it that way. Truly the church has turned away from the Scriptures. It is always looking for new methods, philosophies, strategies, books and fads to tell her what she should be doing.

First, it was the Purpose Driven Pope, Rick Warren, quoting new age gurus, and men with spirit guides to validate his twisted version of biblical truth, in the Purpose Driven Life. Yet, this is not seen as a problem because he teaches some biblical truths.

Doctrine and the return of our Lord, are not important. Yet,the church is silent. It continues to teach the book (PDL) as though it were the inspired work of the Holy Spirit ( second only to Scripture.)

Joel Osteen with his "Best Life... and "...Better You" nonsense, and yet,the church is silent! We don't want to offend those who find him uplifting and life-changing. It doesn't matter that Scripture calls upon us to expose false teaching, lest the wolves devour the flock!

Now we have the , "Simple Chruch" book telling the church how it really needs to do church. Whether there are valid points in the book is not the issue. It is that we're always looking for the next movement, strategie and method of man, when Scripture is already clear as to what we are to be doing. Enough with all these books!

The church needs to turn to the Book of Books, the B-I-B-L-E! The church needs to follow the example of our Lord Jesus,who spent much time in prayer. The apostles who spent much time in prayer. And men throughout church history (George Mueller, The Wesleys,etc.) who spent much time in prayer and saw the power and move of God!

Christians who claim that they are "free in Christ" to do whatever they please, curse,drink, wear provacative clothing, splatter tatoos on their body,and wear rings on their noses, abound.
But wait, don't you dare mention these are being a legalist. You are setting rules, and we are free!

Yes, the apostasy is in full swing, and the church doesn't even know it!
Come Lord Jesus, Come!


Behold He Comes!