Sunday, April 22, 2007

Rick Warren: Love Yourself

In the March 2005 Ladies Home Journal, Rick Warren, rather than teaching the Biblical gospel to his audience of mostly unbelievers instead gave his readers advice that could only be classified as man-centered pop-psych that actually contradicts Biblical truth. Even the cover of the magazine itself says "Learn to Love Yourself by Rick Warren".
Listed below are the salient points from Pastor Warren's article। (These are Rick Warren's actual words from the article)

Accept Yourself
God accepts us unconditionally, and in his view we are all precious and priceless. Focus on this and you will not waste any time and effort trying to be someone you’re not.
Love Yourself
[Warren’s wife affirms], “God really does love me without strings attached.” [On this basis we apparently have been given the freedom to love ourselves]
Be True To Yourself
Discover, accept and enjoy our unique "shape" [which refers to Warren’s S.H.A.P.E. program] ….Be content with them [our weaknesses].
Forgive Yourself
God doesn’t expect perfection but He does insist on honesty. When I honestly admit my errors and ask forgiveness in faith, He doesn’t hold a grudge, doesn’t get even, and doesn’t bring it up again. We should practice such a forgiving attitude with ourselves.
Believe in Yourself
Start affirming the truth about yourself! The truth is God has created you with talents, abilities, personality and background in a combination that is uniquely you। It’s your choice. You can believe what others say about you, or you can believe in yourself as God does, who says you are truly acceptable, lovable, valuable and capable.

Doesn't the first sentence of the Purpose Driven Life say, "It's not about you"?
We here at the Museum of Idolatry have no idea which Bible PASTOR Warren was reading from in order to come up with these suggestions।

Maybe we're just a bunch of unsophisticated dolts who are not hip to the 'new thing' God is doing but doesn't God's Word say that 'self love' is the source of humanity's problems instead of the solution?

The Bible that we read doesn't teach us to love ourselves it teaches us to love our Lord. We think the list should have read something like:
• Accept Jesus
• Love Jesus,
• Be True to Jesus
• Receive Jesus' Forgiveness
• Believe in Jesus

Folks, this is whom the majority of Christendom is following after!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Caution! Emerging Ahead!

Friends, The frog in the boiling kettle analogy has come to a realization in the church. The church is slowly being killed (and it doesn't even realize it) by a gradual deterioration of truth, the truth of God's Word! Listen here:

A Must Read!

Read Herb's book FREE "Beyond fascinating"(full review)
The 'Late Great Planet Earth' revisited? RECOMMENDATION 666 Reasons to buy
Beyond Fascinating, January 10, 2004 Reviewer: Mrs. R. Lewellyn from Seattle, WA U.S.
Recommendation 666 is a succinct, concise and easy-to-read treatise on the subject of Bible prophecy and recent events in the E.U. While containing details on what may possibly be the most earth shattering news of the last two millennia, the book maintains an even tone and balanced perspective throughout.
At no time does the author claim, or even presume, to have discovered the answer to the 666 riddle of Rev. 13:18. However, he gives a very detailed and well researched account of what may be the most credible, sensible and logical explanation yet.
Herb's website,, serves to keep the reader up-to-date on what may turn out to be the saga to end all sagas, quite literally.
Deserves at least twenty stars.

Monday, April 16, 2007

No Other Name...No Other Way!

"The universal presence and saving activity of God transcends just the name of Jesus..." wrote Lowell

"Salvation is found in NO ONE ELSE, for there is NO OTHER NAME under heaven given to men by which we MUST be saved." Acts 4:12
Something has gone awry with Christianity these days. Many are drinking the tainted kool-aid of the tolerant emergent and purpose driven movements.
"Why can't we just all get along," seems to be the mantra these days.
"I AM THE Way,THE Truth,and THE Life. NO ONE comes to the Father except through ME," (JN 14:6) somehow doesn't mean what Jesus said it means. It really means ...well...whatever you want it to mean.
We are living in dangerous times. The serpent's slithery hiss can be heard trying to subvert , seduce, and silence the Truth of God's Word.
"The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons." I Tim. 4: 1
Will you also succumb?
